
We have worked with a broad range of clients across the spectrum of the arts and humanities. From producing cutting-edge qualitative research for research institutions, to working hands-on with creatives to document and extend their practice, 7000 Trees have collaborated with artists, organisations and institutions across the breadth of art, dance, theatre, healthcare, eduction and heritage. Take a look a some of our case studies below.

Working with the University of Greenwich’s AHRC-funded p_ART_icipate project, we helped develop 4 accessible digital artwork, designed to support the health and well-being of a diverse range of participants. Working alongside partners including The National Gallery, RNIB, Joy of Sound, The Analema Group, and NeuroCreate, we ran numerous sessions exploring how participatory digital art benefitted social connectedness.

We then worked to document our findings in an accessible guide for artists and practitioners working in this field in the future.

We were commissioned by Surrey Heritage as part of their Lost Letters project. Our task was to create a promotional video that showcased the work taking place at the Surrey History Centre, as well as the exhibition that grew from the project. With the work of the Archive often hidden from public view, it was a fascinating opportunity to provide a public window into the important work the archivists do.

Field Notes was a family land-art project held on the Sussex Downs. Working with a group of participants, we explored the history of the area through sound and images. Utilising story-telling, field-recording, walking-as-art, and bark-rubbing, we helped our participants explore their landscape in new and diverse ways, resulting in a series of short, participant-led artworks after the project had finished.

The Rocket Artists are a South-East based inclusive arts studio. We have worked with The Rockets in a variety of ways: from producing tactical, sensory sound-works for an inclusive exhibition, to helping to develop an accessible website for the studio and its community of artists.

The Outdoor teacher commissioned us to make a series of video tutorials for their forest school. Over the course of several weeks, we visited their site and documented their sessions in order to produce a video curriculum reflecting the school’s lesson plans and ethos. These videos were used by The Outdoor Teacher as the core of their online provision.